We are working on a broad variety of problems in quantitative vision and computational imaging. Our research combines teachings from physical optics, image and signal processing, computer vision, and information theory. Our goal is to invent, develop, and build the next generation of 2D/3D computational imaging and display devices that overcome traditional limitations (e.g., in resolution, dynamic range, speed) to “make the unseen visible”. These instruments and the underlying principles will represent key technologies to foster transformational technical changes in the next decades.
Current applications of our developed techniques and systems can be found in medicine, VR/AR/MR, robotics, industrial inspection, remote sensing, automotive sensing, metrology, forensics, or cultural heritage preservation. Our present research includes novel methods to image hidden objects through scattering media or around corners, high-resolution holographic displays, unconventional methods for precise VR eye tracking, and the implementation of high-precision metrology methods in low-cost mobile handheld devices. Moreover, we develop novel time-of-flight and structured light imaging techniques working at depth resolutions in the 100μm-range.
“The Computational 3D Imaging and Measurement Lab - From Fast and Precise 3D Sensors to Looking Around Corners” (20min). This recent talk given at Arizona’s Industrial Affiliates meeting (Fall’23) provides an introduction to our lab and some of our past and present research projects. | |
TEDx talk by Prof. Willomitzer about “holographic cameras that can see the unseen.” (20min) | |
The 2022 talk “Utilizing Nature’s Limits for Better Computational 3D Imaging” (1hr) gives an overview of our group’s philosophy and some research projects. |
see Prof. Willomitzer’s Short CV >>
see also news archive>>
A selection of our past and present research projects. More projects will be added soon.
3D videos of fast scenes with high data quality (5 associated publications)
Imaging through scattering media or around corners at high resolution (5 associated publications)
Exploiting deflectometric information for high precision eye tracking
A novel approach to Time-of-Flight imaging based on Multi-Wavelength Interferometry (7 associated publications)
3D imaging methods accessible to a broad audience (7 associated publications)
Exploring and exploiting the physical- and information-limits (4 associated publications)
A handheld motion robust 3D scanner (20 associated publications)
Leverage DL for computational ghost imaging through scattering media (1 associated publication)
Depth sensing using thermal light sources (2 associated publications)
Synthetic Wavelength Imaging - Utilizing Spectral Correlations for High-Precision Time-of-Flight Sensing
F. Willomitzer
Computational Imaging for Scene Understanding - Transient, Spectral, and Polarimetric Analysis, T. Funatomi, T. Okabe, Eds., ISTE Sciences, 2024
Download Preprint
Fast Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging with High-Resolution and Wide Field of View using Synthetic Wavelength Holography
F. Willomitzer, P. Rangarajan, F. Li, M. Balaji, M. Christensen, O. Cossairt.
Nature Communications 12, 6647 (2021)
Single-shot synthetic wavelength imaging: Sub-mm precision ToF sensing with conventional CMOS sensors
M. Ballester, H. Wang, J. Li, O. Cossairt, F. Willomitzer (* joint first authors)
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 178, 2024
Event-based Motion-Robust Accurate Shape Estimation for Mixed Reflectance Scenes
A. Dashpute, J. Wang, J. Taylor, O. Cossairt, A. Veeraraghavan, F. Willomitzer
ArXiv Preprint, 2023
Accurate Eye Tracking from Dense 3D Surface Reconstructions using Single-Shot Deflectometry
J. Wang, T. Wang, B. Xu, O. Cossairt, F. Willomitzer.
ArXiv Preprint, 2023
Differentiable Deflectometric Eye Tracking
T. Wang, J. Wang, O. Cossairt, F. Willomitzer
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2024
Single-shot 3D motion picture camera with a dense point cloud
F. Willomitzer, G. Häusler.
Optics Express 25(19), 23451-23464, 2017
Reflections about the holographic and non-holographic acquisition of surface topography: where are the limits?
G. Häusler, F. Willomitzer
Light: Advanced Manufacturing 3(25), 2022
Exploiting Wavelength Diversity for High Resolution Time-of-Flight 3D Imaging
F. Li*, F. Willomitzer*, M. Balaji, P. Rangarajan, O. Cossairt (* joint first authors).
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2021
[Video (YouTube)]
Hand-Guided Qualitative Deflectometry with a Mobile Device
F. Willomitzer, C-K. Yeh, V. Gupta, W. Spies, F. Schiffers, A. Katsaggelos, M. Walton, O. Cossairt.
Optics Express 28(7), 9027-9038, 2020
SkinScan: Low-Cost 3D-Scanning for Dermatologic Diagnosis and Documentation
M. A. Nau, F. Schiffers, Y. Li, B. Xu, A. Maier, J. Tumblin, M. Walton, A. K. Katsaggelos, F. Willomitzer, O. Cossairt
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021
Intensity Interferometry-based 3D Imaging
F. Wagner, F. Schiffers, F. Willomitzer, O. Cossairt, A.Velten.
Optics Express 29(4), 4733-4745, 2021
Compressive Ghost Imaging through Scattering Media with Deep Learning
F. Li*, M. Zhao*, Z. Tian, F. Willomitzer, O. Cossairt (* joint first authors).
Optics Express 28(12), 17395-17408, 2020
Consequences of EEG electrode position error on ultimate beamformer source reconstruction performance
S. S. Dalal, S. Rampp, F. Willomitzer, S. Ettl.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8(42), 1-7, 2014
PhD Thesis: Single-Shot 3D Sensing Close to Physical Limits and Information Limits
F. Willomitzer.
Dissertation, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Published as book in the series “Springer Theses” in 2019
See Short CV of Prof. Willomitzer>> for more videos of invited talks.
See also Publications>> and ‘Research’-section for recordings of contributed talks.
F. Willomitzer A holographic camera that can see the unseen TEDx Nuremberg, Germany, July 2022 [Full Video] | |
F. Willomitzer The Computational 3D Imaging and Measurement Lab - From Fast and Precise 3D Sensors to Looking Around Corners Industrial Affiliates Fall Meeting, University of Arizona, 2023 [Full Video] | |
F. Willomitzer Single-shot synthetic wavelength holography: a flexible approach for high-resolution imaging through scattering media OPTICA Frontiers in Optics (FiO) Health Symposium, Tacoma, 2023 [Full Video] | |
F. Willomitzer Utilizing deflectometric information for single-shot eye-tracking with high accuracy OPTICA Imaging Congress, 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, Boston, 2023 [Full Video] | |
F. Willomitzer Utilizing Nature’s Limits for Better Computational 3D Imaging Center For Robotics and Biosystems Seminar, Northwestern University, USA, 2022 [Full Video] | |
Click here to learn about the 3DIM Lab in the news.
Starting Fall ‘22, the 3DIM Lab will gradually move to the College of Optical Sciences at the University of Arizona as part of Prof. Willomitzer’s transition process.
We are always looking for motivated people interested in pursuing a research project or thesis in our lab. Prospective Students or Postdocs should have a background in Optics, Computer Science, Image and Signal Processing, or similar disciplines.
Please contact Prof. Willomitzer if you are interested.
Past and Present
The work shown on this website has been generously funded by the following agencies and industry partners:
Past and Present
Florian Willomitzer
fwillomitzer [at] arizona [dot] edu
Wyant College of Optical Sciences - University of Arizona
Computational 3D Imaging and Measurement (3DIM) Lab
Meinel Building, Room 629
1630 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85721